Changes to act 20 to make the form function :

Click this link: webform.js

Go to file->Save Page As.., and save it to your web folder.

1. Right after the </title> tag, put in the following:

<script src = webform.js></script>

2. in the form tag, insert: name=MYFORM, as in <form name=MYFORM > , delete action="" and method="post"!

3. in the checkbox tags, insert name= and one of the folowing names: SUMMER, SKI, TALL,JOB, F, PET.

example: <input type = "checkbox" name = SUMMER>

4. Be sure all names are in CAPITALS and have no spaces.

example: <input type=text name = "FIRSTNAME" size = 20> instead of "FIRST NAME" (also do with POSTAL CODE and TYPE OF FOOD, which become POSTALCODE and TYPEOFFOOD

5. in the submit button tag, put in onClick=program()